Fine Antique and Art AppraisalsAppraisals often are the starting point of any higher-end restoration project. A professional appraisal establishes in part the expected market value for a fine period antique, and informs a common sense restoration budget. At Buckhead Fine Restorations we typically consult with each client or their representative to best define restoration options within an established budget. Often a final budget consists of structural restoration or repair work, polishing and waxing work, painted and or gilding work and upholstery. Buckhead Fine Restorations works with the best professional appraisers available. Professionally accredited, and conforming to the best industry practices and standards, Buckhead Fine Restorations appraisers deliver professional appraisals, backed by full and careful research which guides the client in the restoration process. We recommend that you consider an appraisal or an update to your existing appraisal with a professional of your choice either in your city or in ours with us. Rod Hardy of Hardy Halpern, Inc. is our appraiser of choice. He has clients in forty of the fifty States and would be glad to assist you with your appraisal needs. Rod may be reached at www.hardyhalpern.com. How to choose an appraiser |
Phone: 770-455-1106 | Toll Free 877-678-4547 |
sales@buckheadfinerestorations.com | Copyright 2006, Buckhead Fine Restorations